Giant LED Screen – Antwerp Groenplaats – 18,75% SOV

€29.925 / 30 days*

*Exclusive technical cost, production and taxes

1 panel/screen

  • 1


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This LED Screen is located on the Groenplaats in Antwerp next to the ice rink during the « Winter in Antwerp ».
The ice rink has more than 1 million of visitors during this month of December (Entrances 2022). Perfectly placed to be seen by pedestrians and car traffic coming from the Nationalestraat, Groenplaats-Schoenmarkt and people using the public transport & cars going into the public parking of the Groenplaats.

Budget year: 2023

Media ownerUrban Media
Duration30 days
AvailabiltyFrom 09/12/2023 till 07/01/2024
Contacts 12+2.330.714

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Giant LED Screen – Antwerp Groenplaats – 18,75% SOV

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