Campaign: Audi Discovery Days

Briefing summary:

Audi is launching its Discovery Days during weeks 38-39 and is looking for a national network with a wide reach.


Unfortunately, national networks are no longer available at JC Decaux during weeks 38-39.

Looking at large format, we see that weeks 37-38 are also completely sold out.

Fortunately, a national network is still available at ClearChannel during weeks 38 and 39: Adshel Mix 1700 with Adshel Live Extra. This has a reach of 64.46% on the Audi target group (25-54 SC 1-4) and is somewhat less performing only in Antwerp.

Direct: Adshel Mix 1700 with Adshel Live Extra (betw 7-9% SOT) - ClearChannel - w39

Direct: Adshel Mix 1700 with Adshel Live Extra (betw 7-9% SOT) - ClearChannel - 2 weeks w38-39

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.