Campaign: Ethias Life 62k

Briefing summary:

  • Period : Sept 2sd to Sept 7th
  • Target: 45 ans +
  • High income – Higher social class
  • Geofencing by province :
    • Flemish Brabant
    • Antwerp
    • East Flanders
    • West Flanders
    • Liège



Selection of the street, Retail & Gas stations environments

Use the 2021 Statbel revenue data  per municipality, select the municipalities from quartiles 3 & 4 (hightest revenues)

Geofence the demanded provinces

Use the demanded day parts

Programmatic: Digital Street

Programmatic: Retail

Programmatic: Petrol Stations

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.