Campaign: Disney+ Summer

Briefing summary:

The objective is to increase “content for adults” prerception & show the range of content
Primary Target : adult streamers 18-49
Secundary Target : parents with kids
Propose a wide range of possibilities :

Direct: Route National (paper only) : Wk 30 : 600 + 600 free - Summer or The Bear

Direct: Route National (paper only) : wk 31 : 600 + 600 free - Summer or The Bear

Direct: Route National (paper only) : wk 30+31 :- 1200 + 2nd week for free (ONE creation Summer)

Direct: JCD Airport BRU Digital Cube

Direct: Live – Extra

Direct: Station Live – Extra

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.