Campaign: Fraud & scams Q4

Briefing summary:

Objectives: Get Policy Elites in key markets globally to believe Meta is serious about keeping users safe from fraud and scams on its platforms. By educating them about how to identify, avoid, and report scams and highlighting the efforts that Meta is making to drive down user susceptibility to fraud and scams.

Media objectives : the goal is to achieve minimum awareness with core policy elites. (>2x/week)

Geographic targeting : Brussels


Combination of 4 environments to target the the target group in Brussels :

  • Street furniture => geofence the EU district & the European & International agencies (SOT +/- 6%)
  • Metro => select the Schuman, Art-Loi, Madou & Porte de Namur stations (SOT +/- 5,2%)
  • Railway stations => select the Schuman, Luxembourg & Midi stations (Eurostar termianal) (SOT +/- 5%)
  • Brussels national airport => select the screens at the arrival & departure zones (SOT +/- 4%)

Specific schedule by environment to optimize the reach of the target group


Programmatic: Digital Street

Programmatic: Station Live

Programmatic: Digital Metro

Programmatic: Airport

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.