Campaign: Vichy - Collagen C16 - PDOOH nearby pharmacies w07-08

Briefing summary:

Vichy would like to have a presence around pharmacies where an activation for Vichy Collagen C16 will take place.
Period: w07-08 (10/02 – 23/02)
Budget: 50K
– Pharma City II (Brussels)
– Pharmacie Van Haren (Sprimont)
– Pharmacie Goedert (Luxembourg Ville, GDL)
– Roggen Pharmacy (Zaventem)
– Pharmacy Paeshuys (Schoten)


Programmatic: PDOOH Digital Street

Programmatic: Malls Luxembourg

Programmatic: Railway Luxembourg-Ville

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.