Campaign: Wondercar - St Nicolas

Briefing summary:

Wondercar has a budget of €98,500 excluding VAT OOP all-inclusive to run a campaign again this year.  Given that they have just done a new advert with St Nicolas and that we’re already going to use it via our digital campaigns, I’d like to use the extra budget to be able to relay this campaign via billboards or 2m2 or a combination of the 2.

Period: 18/11-09/12


Given the little availability this year-end, we can no longer offer a full 2m² selection where most of the POS are covered.
The only option is to cover the Wondercar POS with 20m² billboards and 8m² LED screens that were custom-selected.

Direct: Line by Line Billboards W47+48

*programmatic is not guaranteed, screens & contacts and CPM are best estimates and subject to change.